

Our wide network is composed of more than 100 native translators in every language: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish… Which language do you need?

The professional Translation industry includes a high level of expertise. This is why we provide specialised translation services in several technical fields such as Transport Engineering, Patents and Intellectual Property texts, as well as other fields such as Law, Administration, Commerce or Science, among many others.

All of our translators are native in the language into which they translate. Furthermore, we work with glossaries and databases that are constantly updated, which guarantees not only consistency among texts, but also among projects.

And, with the goal of offering a higher organisational excellence, we have implemented a quality management system. With this system, we assign a Project Manager to each project who will supervise and coordinate the development of the translation assignment. Moreover, the Project Manager will be in charge of providing translators with the necessary tools to guarantee the highest accuracy and consistency level. Another important task assigned to the PM, which is key at our agency, is to act as an interlocutor before the client. Once the translation phase is done, the project moves on to a quality control phase, where everything in the project is carefully supervised before the final result is handed to the client.

Legal translation

Aplicada a documentos tanto públicos como privados con contenidos legales y jurídicos

Agencia de traducción en Madrid

Sworn translation

Servicio de traducción de carácter oficial, que solo lo pueden realizar traductores jurados acreditados

Technical translation

Servicio de traducción técnica especializado por campos de especialización e idiomas.

Other services

We are qualified professionals and provide translation and interpreting services in several technical fields and in every language.

Agencia de traducción en Madrid

Economic and financial translation

Traducción de catalán

Regional languages translation

Traducción académica

Academic translation

Traducción médica y farmacéutica

Medical and pharmaceutical translation

Agencia de traducción en Madrid

Commercial translation

Traducción publicitaria

Advertising translation

What languages do we translate?

Najual Traductores & Intérpretes, your reference translation and interpreting agency in Madrid, works in every language. We carefully select the most suitable translator for each project.

What languages do we translate?

Translation Agency


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