Quality Management System Policy

Customer satisfaction is a core value of our business strategy. We strive to provide our customers with high-quality translation and interpreting services that meet existing and mutually agreed upon requirements, as well as the expectations and needs of other stakeholders, such as our in-house team, our vendors, and our freelancers.

Quality is a commitment of our company and an individual responsibility of our staff. It is reflected in specific actions that reveal a corporate image of professionalism and service quality, both internally and externally.

At NAJUAL BROTHERS, S.A. we demonstrate our commitment to quality by applying the following basic principles:

  • EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONSWe make it a point of meeting the needs and expectations of our customers and other stakeholders.
  • PROVIDING RESOURCESWe provide the resources necessary for our staff to be able to identify and remove any obstacles that may undermine the quality of their work.
  • PROMOTING IMPROVEMENTSWe consider that continuous improvement is a primary goal that helps us enhance quality as perceived by our customers and other stakeholders.
  • SYSTEMATIZING PROCESSESWe organize and arrange our processes, services, and methodologies of action.
  • PREVENTING ERRORS: We correct any errors that may arise and emphasize prevention in order not to repeat mistakes.
  • ENGAGING OUR PERSONNELWe create an environment conducive to the participation of both our in-house staff and our freelancers, where everyone can work towards a shared goal. We attach great importance to communication, encouraging teamwork, individual recognition, and suggestions for improvement.
  • MEETING DEADLINES: We consider that keeping deadlines, being on schedule, and having the confidence of our customers, freelancers, and vendors are key aspects of our management practices.
  • OBSERVING A PROFESSIONAL CODE OF CONDUCT: We follow a strict professional code of conduct.
  • ENSURING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: We ensure customer satisfaction by rigorously meeting the requirements we agree upon with our customers.
  • COMPLYING WITH THE REGULATIONS: We comply with the applicable laws and regulations.
  • PROMOTING TRAINING: We promote the ongoing professional development of our personnel.

Our Senior Managers define and promote the principles underpinning our Quality Policy, which is assumed by and implemented with the support of all staff acting as a single team.

Our Senior Managers define and promote the principles underpinning our Quality Policy, which is assumed and implemented by each head of department with the support of all staff acting as a single team.

Senior Management